

suppose verb (THINK LIKELY)

He found it a lot more difficult lớn get a job phàn nàn he supposed it would be.

Từ điển kể từ đồng nghĩa: những kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan, trái khoáy nghĩa, và những ví dụ
  • believeCan we believe a word of what this man says?
  • acceptMost people accept what the newspapers say as being correct.
  • creditUK It’s hard lớn credit that she’s 87.
  • swallowI personally find it hard lớn swallow the official narrative.
  • buyWhen it comes lớn global warming, he doesn't buy it, and is out lớn discredit the whole theory.

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I suppose (that) you're going lớn be late again.

"Can I go out tonight?" "Oh, I suppose so."

Thêm những ví dụBớt những ví dụ
SMART Vocabulary: những kể từ tương quan và những cụm kể từ

Bạn cũng hoàn toàn có thể lần những kể từ tương quan, những cụm kể từ và kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan trong số chủ thể này:

suppose verb (NEED)

SMART Vocabulary: những kể từ tương quan và những cụm kể từ
SMART Vocabulary: những kể từ tương quan và những cụm kể từ

Ngữ pháp

(Định nghĩa của suppose kể từ Từ điển và Từ đồng nghĩa tương quan Cambridge dành riêng cho Người học tập Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)

suppose | Từ điển Anh Mỹ

suppose verb [I/T] (THINK LIKELY)

[ I ] "Will you be going with them?" "Yes, I suppose (so)."

Suppose can also show that you are guessing about something:

suppose conjunction (WHAT IF)

Suppose we miss the train – what would we bởi then?

Supposing that you had that opportunity, Mrs. Gallagher, what would you say?

(Định nghĩa của suppose kể từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của suppose


How bởi the supposed liminal dimensions of some material elements of the ritual relate lớn fire as a medium of transition?

The ui are supposed lớn capture any country specific time-invariant effects not included in the explanatory variables.

While labour demand is modelled, labour supply is supposed lớn follow the demand within the framework of constant nominal wage rates.

How could the way we see things affect our choices, supposing that it does?

However, many problems have remained unsolved, and many supposed facts need lớn be revised in the light of recent research.

Indeed, genetically informed studies, in many cases, have supported these main effects, although their magnitude is sometimes less phàn nàn previously supposed.

Throughout this work, it is supposed that in the initial state the two surfaces are not in tương tác.

In (14) above, overrun the line and run rẩy over the line are supposed lớn be synonymous.

I state them in terms of the ideal concept of normative economics that welfare economics is supposed lớn encapsulate.

The simulation of threat recognition is supposed lớn proceed in the following way.

Speakers are not supposed lớn omit crucial information.

Essentially the fluid is supposed t o be either in irrotational motion or initially lớn have a uniform vorticity.

The reversal is supposed lớn start instantaneously and lớn run rẩy at exactly the same tốc độ as the forward simulation.

The ten-second public announcement was supposed lớn be reassuring.

The agreement was too indefinite lớn be enforced - how long was the loan supposed lớn run?

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