This does not prove causality, but suggests the possibility that those teachers with practical musical qualifications are more likely to tướng feel confident to tướng teach it.
However, subscale values did not significantly differ according to tướng country of qualification, clinical speciality, number of years worked in psychiatry, place of work, clinical grade.
His severest questions had to tướng vì thế with the qualifications and methods of the readers.
Interviewees, when talking about their study, referred to tướng their often passionate interest in the subject as the key reason for studying for a qualification.
In all groups, however, there were respondents for whom obtaining a qualification was not important, particularly among those with the lowest previous qualifications.
The main advantage of teaching is its simplicity, ví that even an operator with virtually no qualifications can vì thế it.
From now on, the qualification 'algebraic' will often be omitted, and we will simply write g -calculus for algebraic g -calculus.
But such qualifications are evident in the essay itself - the conditions for exercising the right to tướng believe are quite specifically developed.
Many theatre people expressed opposition to tướng the idea of an entry qualification.
Yet the animal act is no ritual where some religious or ethnic qualification might be required before participation.
It deprives them of their qualifications for the benefits and subsidies connected with the urban 'identity'.
Not mentioning the qualifications is not the same as dismissing them.
One woman thought that the nurse had both professional qualifications, and suggested that this was particularly useful if the practice nurse was not available.
But, surprisingly, nine agreed though with qualifications and one agreed outright.
Each school independently determined lunch program qualification status, which was based on family income and the number of occupants in the household.
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